If you need earth moved - we are the ones to call.

The team at Grant Hood Contracting has decades of experience in moving large volumes of earth to create the right environment for work, recreation, development or assisting nature to create a sustainable ecological area such as a wetland. From site clearance, large cut to waste, inserting any drainage or other infrastructure, through to finishing landscaping (and hardscaping). Grant Hood has the people and resources to deliver your project successfully.

Stopbanks Repairs or Rebuilds

River Maintenance or Diversion

Effluent Ponds

Stopbanks Repairs or Rebuilds

River Maintenance or Diversion

Effluent Ponds

Our Bulk Earthwork Capabilities

Grant Hood Contracting has gained great experience and efficient techniques for construction of Stopbanks as well as repairs, tying repairs into existing Stopbanks seamlessly.

After the May 2021 flooding around Mid Canterbury, we were very involved in the repair works and completed up to 9 Stopbank repairs along with Erosion Bunds, Ancor Tree Planting & Pole Planting.

Stopbanks Repairs or Rebuilds

River Maintenance or Diversion

Effluent Ponds

Our Bulk Earthwork Capabilities

Rivers are temperamental things that sometimes require some manipulating. We have the gear to get this done quick and efficiently to ensure your land doesn't become part of the river.  River Diversions - Bulk Earthmoving - River Protection

Stopbanks Repairs or Rebuilds

River Maintenance or Diversion

Effluent Ponds

Our Bulk Earthwork Capabilities

We are DairyNZ accredited for Dairy Effluent Pond Design and Construction.

Whether it is a new pond, up-grade of an existing pond, pond cleaning, pond lining with HDPE or clay, platform construction for an above ground pond, stone wedges or traps, wetwells or dishes, we can be of service. We have close working relationships with a Chartered Professional Engineer and companies accredited to DairyNZ for Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE) System Design. This allows us to offer the complete design package, initial appraisal through to applying for all the consents you require to not only store effluent but to discharge it to ground.

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Bulk Earthworks




Bulk Earthworks


Bulk Earthworks

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We're proudly a family owned & operated company